Basketball faqs

What will my basketball player be doing & learn from the LWYA?

We want to make our programs a fun, rewarding, & positive experience for each of our athletes. Sportsmanship is an understanding of and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, integrity, respect of officials and coaches, and general goodwill toward an opponent. It is an declaration that an athlete is disciplined enough to have perspective, maintain self-control, and do what is best for his or her teammates. Parents, coaches, and team leaders are an essential part of maintaining group sportsmanship and composure. We truly care about developing our athletes past sportsmanship by instilling leadership values, a teamwork mentality, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, & character. 

Your basketball player will also learn the basics of basketball, strength & conditioning drills, & gain a network of lasting friendships along the way.

What other events can my basketball player look forward to during the season?

Other events outside of basketball games include, but are not limited to or guaranteed: Basketball clinics, TAFF state tournament, & other fun events organized & planned by your basketball player's coach. 

What are the ages/grade level of basketball players?

LWYA Basketball Program ranges from ages five (5) through twelve (12). For the 2023 season 4-year-olds may be registered, waiver will be required.  12 year old participants must be no older than 6th grade. Age verification documents accepted include: Birth Certificates, Military IDs, or State IDs. All documents must be a hard copy, paper form. The document must have the full name & birthdate of the player. No digital documentation will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS.

When does registration open & close?

Basketball Registration opens October 4th.

Early Registration 10/4-10/22 $170

Late Registration 10/23-11/6 $185

*No basketball players will be accepted after the Late Registration deadline/once LWYA basketball team max number has been met, whichever comes first. There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS due to the amount of time the uniform manufacturers take to make the uniforms. 

What does my registration fee cover?

Registration fees cover the cost of the player's jerseys and an end-of-season participation trophy. It will also cover operating costs (i.e. gym rental and preparation, utilities, etc). 


Will there be other basketball expenses?

Players will be responsible to purchase other uniform items, such as basketball shorts & a practice ball. 
*Your Coach or Team Parent might organize a team fundraiser to help with additional expenses, but these are not required if you'd like to pay out of pocket. 

When are basketball evaluations?

Evaluations are held in mid-November!

When are jersey fittings?

Typically, jersey fittings are scheduled for the first week of December.

When will basketball players receive their jerseys?

Basketball jerseys will be issued in early-January by your basketball player's coach if there is no interruption in the supply chain.

How are the basketball teams formed?

Teams are formed by age. Basketball players may play up, not down per the guidelines below & will be placed on teams in the exact order of the guidelines. The guidelines may also supersede age as deemed necessary by the Basketball Commissioner.  

  1. Head or Assistant Coach's children or family.
  2. Basketball sibling(s) or family.   
  3. Returning basketball player (season immediately prior to the current registration season) to the same coach, provided space is available.  
  4. Special requests for team placement is based on availability & a first come, first serve basis. Special requests are not guaranteed.
*Returning basketball players have the option to move to another team within the LWYA at registration only pending age requirements are met & the requested team has availability. 

When will we know what team we are on & how?

Team formations will start once basketball registration closes. Teams are formed via a draft format. Coaches are allowed to hold 4 players and must draft the rest of their team. Your basketball Coach will welcome your basketball player to the team & provide season information & dates via a call, text, or email to the contact on your registration form.

How do I become a Basketball Head Coach or Assistant Coach?

By registering as a coach & filling out the interview form. Click the button above to take you to the interview page. Once basketball registration closes on Thanksgiving & we know how many coaches are needed, we will schedule head coach interviews. 
*NOTE: You must provide two age divisions & your placement will depend on: 

  1.  How many basketball teams per age division are formed. 
  2. After returning Basketball Head Coach (season immediately prior to the current registration season)  requests have been honored. 

Please email our Basketball Commissioner with questions at

*Returning Basketball Head Coaches: A returning head coach is not guaranteed to move up with the same team from the previous season, unless both the player & basketball coach are family. The Basketball Commissioner will determine the placement of coaches (& their returning teams) based on league registration & need. A returning Head Coach is defined as the season immediately previous; all other previous seasons head coaches will follow the new head coach interview process. 

When does the season begin & end?

Regular season starts in January & ends in early-March.

When does practice start & what days/times?

Practices for regular season begin in mid-November. Practice days & times are at the Coach's discretion.

Where are practices & games held?

  1. Practices are at approved LWYA facilities; typically LWISD Effie Morris Gym or the LWISD Ottis Gym. Practice Locations are subject to change. 
  2. Games are at Lake Worth High School for HOME games & AWAY (games are currently pending)

*LWYA is an all-volunteer organization & as such all members are requested to serve one weekend at the Home Game concession stand. Sign-ups will go out once game schedules are finalized.

Does it cost to get into the games?

Yes, the league has a $5 cash only Gate Fee for spectators. The Gate Fee does not apply to players in uniform & approved volunteer staff.
*Spectators must remain in the stands & cannot step onto the court area.

Is there a basketball clinic?


What are the LWYA Code of Conduct Rules?

All coaches, players, parents and spectators are expected to behave in a sportsmanlike manner. Any violations of the rules of conduct may result in being removed from the game and/or park grounds up to and including dismissal. Anyone removed from any practices or games will be subject to discipline. You can download our full code of conduct rules & anti-bullying policy here.

**FOLLOW THE GOLDEN RULE - Always treat others (coaches, parents, officials, and players) the same way that you would want you and your child to be treated.

Do you have medical restrictions for participants?

No, but please disclose all medical issues to your child's coach so that our coaching staff can be prepared in an emergency situation. Please make sure your child has any emergency medication needed- i.e. inhalers, insulin, etc. Athlete safety is our time priority!


The LWYA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit youth sports organization who rely on the generosity of our volunteers that give their time to the kids in our community. Volunteering your time can go a long way towards creating a successful season for our kids. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Basketball Commissioner or your head coach.   

 *All coaches, assistant coaches, team parents, commissioners, officials, & board members are required to complete a criminal background check. 

Please email our Basketball Commissioner with questions at