The association offers High School Seniors who were enrolled in the Lake Worth Youth Association or have volunteered with us the opportunity to apply for two $500 scholarships. Application open dates are from September 1st to March 31st each year. Applicants must submit a photo of their time in the LWYA and submit an essay via email to lwya@lwyasports.org. The essay should explain their time in the association, what the scholarship would mean to them if they won, and how it would help them. The winner will be chosen by the board at the May Board of Directors Meeting.

About me: I’ve been in Lake Worth for 15 years. I went through LWISD. My brother & I were both in the Lake Worth Youth Association. My dad was a coach for football and on the board. My brother played football & I did cheerleading, softball, & basketball. I switched to select softball in 10U to get more serious. I play softball in college & I am committed to the game.   

What college do you play for? Arlington Baptist University   

What was your favorite part about being a part of the Lake Worth Bullfrogs Youth Association? The kids were my favorite part. The coaches, Sherri Wicker (Former President), Gloria Campos (Secretary) & Terri (Late Basketball Commissioner). It was a great atmosphere. I didn’t have one bad coach.   

Who inspired you as a young athlete? My parents- my dad. He was a part of the board. He got me involved in sports even though I didn’t think I wanted to. He has always wanted me to be the best. I have looked up to him & how he has coached me throughout the years.   

What do you give up to play sports? I gave up hanging out with friends, sleepovers, band, volleyball, & basketball to be fully committed to softball. I also missed out on some family functions.   

What keeps you focused? The girls around me keep me focused. The accountability. I don’t want to let my team down. I wanted to get recruited. My mom is my rock.   

How does athletics make you a better student or worker? It taught me to work hard for what I want. The student part always comes first. I made sure to always get my school work done. I didn’t want to miss out on sports so I made sure to work hard so I didn’t have to go to study hall. If my grades were bad then I would let down the team because if I failed I wouldn’t be able to play. Everybody makes an impact on a team.   

Who is your favorite sports hero? Cat Osterman- she is a wonderful pitcher from Texas. Cat won’t give up and she wants to be told when she is not doing well so she can get better. Cat was also on the Olympics team.   

What are three reasons you like being part of a team sport? 

  • Community- players & coaches 
  • Getting to play my sport I love & be free with it
  • Memories    

What do you do to calm your butterflies while you compete? I take a deep breath, relax, & think to myself “You can do it, there’s nobody better than you right now. You’re in this spot for a reason. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t good enough. This game is for fun. Just have fun.”   

What age were you when you started your sport? 4-5 years old